Champions crowned at Jr. Kings’ Labor Day Festival
A record-high 33 teams from Northern and Southern California and Nevada competed in this year’s Los Angeles Jr. Kings-hosted Labor Day Weekend Festival Tournament, which was showcased from Sept. 2-5 at El Segundo’s Toyota Sports Center.
Champions were crowned in six divisions: Bantam AAA (San Diego Jr. Gulls); Bantam A (Pasadena Maple Leafs); Pee Wee A (Anaheim Jr. Ducks); Squirt BB (Jr. Ducks); and Mite Track I (Jr. Ducks) and Track II (Jr. Ducks).
“We can’t thank all of the participating clubs enough for helping deliver what proved to be an exciting weekend of hockey to kick off the new season,” tournament director Brian McDonough said of the fifth annual event. “There was so much great competition in every division, and the camaraderie and sportsmanship displayed by all of the players, coaches, team managers and families was second to none.
“We also want to thank the entire staff at Toyota Sports Center for their efforts, as well as all of our volunteers.”
Division champions were awarded a banner and trophy, and all players on the championship teams received medals. Players on the runner-up teams in each division also received medals.
The Labor Day Weekend Festival is part of the Jr. Kings’ Tinseltown Tournament Series. Pre-registration is now open for the Series’ remaining three events of the 2016-17 season: the Thanksgiving Extravaganza (Nov. 24-27), Presidents’ Day Challenge (Feb. 17-20, 2017) and Carmen Starr Memorial Day Classic (May 26-29, 2017).
For more information and to pre-register for any or all of the events, visit